PEOPLE’S DREAM INITIATIVE is an independent non-governmental initiative that seeks to ascertain the hopes and desire of the people and creating sustainable strategies that will bring about an indelible solution in achieving these common goals, dreams and Aspirations. We are a progressive youth movement that stands for the liberation of humanity from moral decadence and intellectual degeneration.

sensitizing the public on the significance of self-education and the effect it has in bringing success and elevation and providing access to knowledge and initiating programs that will motivate and inspire the public to develop the habit of learning such as reading, debating and mentorship programs by advocating for the development of more libraries and improvement of existing ones so we can advance a nation.

We aim at diminishing illiteracy in our society by putting books in the hands of underprivileged teens and children living under poverty. One of the greatest gifts we can pass over to the younger generations is to instill the attitude of reading by engaging them in activities that promotes reading culture in our society.

Do you want to make an impact today?


In aid of the one million book one year campaign project to reach out to the children living in poverty ridden communities across Nigeria. Hosted on the 18th June 2022 at Radisson Blu Hotel Ikeja Lagos

Our Goal


— Vision

Leading a societal reformation through intellectual empowerment in all facet of human life, thereby actualizing a generational evolution


— Mission

Promoting self-education that will Develop and strengthen the skills, instincts, abilities, process and resources that communities need in adapting and thriving in this fast changing globalized world.


— Aims & Objective

Our program platform will be enlightening the public by persuading and admonishing them to educate themselves in this basic aspect human life

Impact Stories

Melvin Ibobo

Reading can be your ultimate escape. It helps you live vicariously. As a great man has said “A reader lives a thousand lives. A man who never reads lives only once.” Also, reading actually makes you realize how much you don’t know. It makes you curious and helps you learn. It sparks your imagination. It helps you grow in many many ways.

Paul Usman - Lagos, Nigeria.

Reading can introduce moral changes in your life.

It builds character and gives you wisdom to make good life decisions, it motivates you to bring changes in your life.

